
1. 个人简介:


2. 邮箱:hanlei@qau.edu.cn;han_lei@qibebt.ac.cn

3. 个人主页:



4. 团队简介:

生物纳米与分子识别研究室(Lab of Bio-Nano & Molecular Recognition)拥有一支年轻而富有活力、多学科交叉、专业结构匹配、年龄结构合理、高效精干的创新型科研学术团队。教师队伍包括教授3人,副教授2人,均为博士学历,拥有海外背景4人,涵盖应用化学、有机化学、材料学、分析化学、分子生物学、微生物学、农药学、计算化学等多个学科专业。


5. 研究方向:








6. 科研经历:


近5年内,以第一作者或通讯作者在Advanced Functional Materials(IF=15.621,一区)、Small(IF=10.856,一区)、Biosensors and Bioelectronics(IF=9.518,一区)、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(IF=8.456,一区)、Chemical Communications(IF=6.164,一区)等国际权威期刊上发表SCI收录论文28篇,其中一区Top期刊论文18篇,影响因子大于5的论文18篇,影响因子大于10的论文2篇,ESI高被引(世界前1%)论文1篇,累计影响因子大于170,单篇最高影响因子15.621,总被引频次500余次。以第一发明人申请国家发明专利12件。曾在2017第四届全国复合材料大会上做题为“生物纳米材料的合成及应用”的大会邀请报告。

长期担任国际SCI期刊Biosensors and Bioelectronics、Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical、ACS Applied Polymer Materials、Journal of Materials Chemistry B、Analayst、Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry、Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces、Electroanalysis、Scientific Reports的审稿专家。

6. 主讲课程:



7. 代表性SCI论文:

[1] Lei Han, Dapeng Yang*, and Aihua Liu*, Leaf-Templated Synthesis of 3D Hierarchical Porous Cobalt Oxide Nanostructure as Direct Electrochemical Biosensing Interface with Enhanced Electrocatalysis, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2015, 63, 145−152.

[2] Lei Han, Cuncheng Li, Tao Zhang, Qiaolin Lang, and Aihua Liu*, Au@Ag Heterogeneous Nanorods as Nanozyme Interfaces with Peroxidase-Like Activity and Their Application for One-Pot Analysis of Glucose at Nearly Neutral pH, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7, 14463–14470.

[3] Lei Han, Changxu Shao, Bo liang, and Aihua Liu*, Genetically Engineered Phage-Templated MnO2 Nanowires: Synthesis and Their Application in Electrochemical Glucose Biosensor Operated at Neutral pH Condition, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2016, 8, 13768–13776.

[4] Lei Han, Pei Liu, Valery A. Petrenko, Aihua Liu*. A Label-Free Electrochemical Impedance Cytosensor Based on Specific Peptide-Fused Phage Selected from Landscape Phage Library. Scientific Reports. 2016. 6. 22199.

[5] Lei Han, Pei Liu, Haijiao Zhang, Feng Li*, and Aihua Liu, Phage Capsid Protein-Directed MnO2 Nanosheets with Peroxidase-Like Activity for Spectrometric Biosensing and Evaluation of Antioxidant Behaviour, Chemical Communications. 2017. 53(37). 5216–5219.

 [6] Lei Han, Aihua Liu*. Novel Cell–Inorganic Hybrid Catalytic Interfaces with Enhanced Enzymatic Activity and Stability for Sensitive Biosensing of Paraoxon. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2017. 9(8). 6894–6901.

[7] Lei Han*, Bo Liang*, Jianxia Song. Rational design of engineered microbial cell surface multi-enzyme co-display system for sustainable NADH regeneration from low-cost biomass. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2018. 45(2). 111–121.

[8] Lei Han*, Bo Liang. New approaches to NAD(P)H regeneration in the biosynthesis systems. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2018. 34(10). 141.

[9] Lei Han*, Yukun Zhao, Shan Cui, Bo Liang*. Redesigning of Microbial Cell Surface and Its Application to Whole-Cell Biocatalysis and Biosensors. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2018. 185(2). 396–418.

[10] Lei Han, Haijiao Zhang, Daoyuan Chen, Feng Li*. Protein-Directed Metal Oxide Nanoflakes with Tandem Enzyme-Like Characteristics: Colorimetric Glucose Sensing Based on One-Pot Enzyme-Free Cascade Catalysis. Advanced Functional Materials. 2018. 28. 1800018.

[11] Haijiao Zhang, Xin Liang, Lei Han*, Feng Li*. “Non-Naked” Gold with Glucose Oxidase-Like Activity: A Nanozyme for Tandem Catalysis. Small. 2018. 14(44). 1803256.

[12] Lei Han, Hongqi Xia, Long Yin, Valery A. Petrenko, Aihua Liu*. Selected landscape phage probe as selective recognition interface for sensitive total prostate-specific antigen immunosensor. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2018. 106. 1–6.

[13] Lei Han*, Dong Wang, Lu Yan, Valery A. Petrenko, Aihua Liu*. Specific phages-based electrochemical impedimetric immunosensors for label-free and ultrasensitive detection of dual prostate-specific antigens. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2019. 297. 126727.

[14] Haijiao Zhang, Lei Han*, Feng Li*. A universal one-pot assay strategy based on bio-inorganic cascade catalysts for different analytes by changing pH-dependent activity of enzymes on enzyme mimics. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2019. 286. 460-467.