









2020年8月-今:南京航空航天大学,材料科学与技术学院,博士后,导师:张校刚 教授

2017年6月-2018年6月,香港理工大学,应用物理系,博士后,导师:朱叶 教授

2012年9月-2017年6月,华中科技大学,材料物理与化学,工学博士,导师:王得丽 教授



主要从事研究方向:功能材料的设计构筑及其电化学反应机制研究。近年来以第一或通讯作者在Adv. Energy Mater., Appl. Cat. B: Environ., Energy Stor. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Power Sources, Electrochim. Acta等国内外高水平期刊发表学术论文30余篇,热点论文1篇,论文总引用次数超过4400次,H-index: 40。参加4次国际学术会议,7次国内学术会议,申请发明专利7项,授权4项。主持国家、省部级科研项目8项,主持或参与省级及校级教研项目3项。指导国家、省级大学生创新创业项目3项,指导学生获得山东省互联网+创新创业大赛等奖项3项,LG新能源第四届中国大学生动力电池创新竞赛优秀指导教师。2022年山东省大学生创新创业训练计划项目评审专家。



(14)Jie Wang†, Xuyun Guo†, Xiaoqiong Du†, Jianing Liang, Jianzhong Wu, Guangming Zhao, Xiaogang Li, Siwei Gui, Fangyuan Zheng, Jiong Zhao, Chao Xu, Deli Wang*, Hui Yang,* Biao Zhang*, Ye Zhu*, Revealing the Complex Lithiation Pathways and Kinetics of Core-Shell NiO@CuO Electrode. Energy Stor. Mater., 2022, 51, 11-18.(得到能源学人报道)[SCI IF: 20.831]

(13)Jie Wang, Jinxiao Xu, Xuyun Guo, Tao Shen, Cuijuan Xuan, Baoling Tian, Zhaorui Wen, Ye Zhu,* and Deli Wang*, Synergistic Regulation of Nickel Doping/Hierarchical Structure in Cobalt Sulfide for High Performance Zinc-Air Battery, Appl. Cat. B Environ., 2021, 298, 120539. (得到Environ Adv和研之成理报道) [SCI IF: 24.319]

(12)Jie Wang, Nan Zang, Cuijuan Xuan, Baohua Jia, Wei Jin*, Tianyi Ma*, Self-Supporting Electrodes for Gas-Involved Key Energy Reactions, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 31(43), 2104620. (Materialsviews报道) [SCI IF: 19.924]

(11)Junpo Guo#, Dongqi Dong#, Jun Wang,* Dan Liu, Xueqing Yu, Yun Zheng, Zhaorui Wen, Wen Lei, Yonghong Deng, Jie Wang,* Guo Hong,* and Huaiyu Shao*, Silicon-Based Lithium Ion Battery Systems: State-of-the-Art from Half and Full Cell Viewpoint, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 2102546. [SCI IF: 19.924]

(10)Yanru Wang, Wei Jin, Cuijuan Xuan, Jun Wang, Jie Li,* Qing Yu, Bingbing Li, Chan Wang,* Weiquan Cai,* and Jie Wang*, In-situ growth of CoFeS2 on metal-organic frameworks-derived Co-NC polyhedron enables high-performance oxygen electrocatalysis for rechargeable zinc-air batteries, J. Power Sources, 2021, 512, 230430. [SCI IF: 9.794]

(9)Zexing Wu, Ying Zhao, Wei Jin, Baohua Jia, Jie Wang* Tianyi Ma*, Recent Progress of Vacancy Engineering for Electrochemical Energy Conversion Related Applications. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2020, 2009070. [SCI IF: 18.808]

(8)Junpo Guo, Guangming Zhao, Tian Xie, Dongqi Dong, Chuanli Ma, Linghao Su, Liangyu Gong, Xiangdong Lou, Xuyun Guo, Jie Wang*, Ye Zhu*, Carbon/Polymer Bilayer-Coated Si-SiOx Electrodes with Enhanced Electrical Conductivity and Structural Stability, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 19023–19032. (高分子科学前沿报道)[SCI IF: 9.229]

(7)Nan Zang, Zexing Wu, Jie Wang,* Wei Jin*, Rational design of Cu-Co thiospinel ternary sheet arrays for high efficient electrocatalytic water splitting. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 1799-1807. [SCI IF: 12.732]

(6)Dongqi Dong, Zexing Wu, Jie Wang,* Gengtao Fu* and Yawen Tang*, Recent Progress in Co9S8-based Materials for Hydrogen and Oxygen Electrocatalysis. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 16068-16088. [SCI IF: 12.732]

(5)Gengtao Fu‡, Jie Wang‡, Yifan Chen, Yu Liu, Yawen Tang,* John B. Goodenough,* and Jong-Min Lee*, Exploring Indium-based Ternary Thiospinel as Conceivable High-potential Air-cathode for Rechargeable Zn-air Batteries. Adv. Energy Mater., 2018, 8, 1802263. [SCI IF: 29.368]

(4)Jie Wang, Jianing Liang, Jianzhong Wu, Cuijuan Xuan, Zexing Wu, Xuyun Guo, Chenglong Lai, Ye Zhu, Deli Wang* Coordination effect of network NiO nanosheet and a carbon layer on the cathode side in constructing a high-performance lithium-sulfur battery, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 6503-6509. [SCI IF: 12.732]

(3)Jie Wang, Huan He, Zexing Wu, Lili Han, Huolin L. Xin, Xuyun Guo, Ye Zhu, Deli Wang*, Controllable Construction of Flower-Like FeS@Fe2O3 Core-Shell Nanocomposite for Lithium Storage, J. Power Sources, 2018, 392, 193-199. [SCI IF: 7.467]

(2)Jie Wang, Zexing Wu, Lili Han, Ruoqian Lin, Weiping Xiao, Cuijuan Xuan, Huolin. L Xin, and Deli Wang*, Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-doping of Partially Exfoliated MWCNTs as Three Dimensional Structured Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4, 5678-5684. [SCI IF: 12.732]

(1)Jie Wang, Huolin L. Xin, Jing Zhu, Sufen Liu, Zexing Wu, and Deli Wang*, 3D hollow structured Co2FeO4/MWCNT as an efficient non-precious metal electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 1601-1608. [SCI IF: 7.443]



(3)王杰, 董冬旗, 马传利, 龚良玉, 苏凌浩. 一种表面改性SiOx电极材料的制备方法, CN109728281A, 发明专利, 授权

(2)安全型高电压水系电池. 山东省互联网+创新创业竞赛银奖(本科生创意组), 第二指导教师

(1)王杰, 龚良玉, 牛永盛, 孙璐璐, 徐鲁斌, 苏凌浩, 马传利, 孙钦星, 潘风美. 电极制备及电化学性能测试综合实习项目的设计. 加拿大28预测在线开奖官网实验技术成果二等奖. 2021



电话:15966924305 邮箱:wangjie@qau.edu.cn